Revised Health Regulations

On July 21st, the County of San Diego released revised emergency regulations from the Health Officer concerning day to day activities under COVID-19:

The following are important highlights that pertain to Bay Scene residents.

Section 1 establishes that “All persons must remain in their homes or at their place of residence, except for employees or customers traveling to and from essential businesses, reopened businesses, or essential activities as defined in section 22, below, or to participate in individual or family outdoor activity as allowed by this Order.”

Section 2 prohibits both public and private gatherings; however, a gathering consisting only of members of a single-family or household is exempt.

Section 9 further requires “all persons two years of age or older to have possession of a face covering when they leave their place of residence and shall wear the face-covering as described and required in California Department of Public Health Face Covering Guidance issued on June 18, 2020” (see link below).

In accordance with these directives, the Bay Scene board of directors has modified procedures for use of indoor common area spaces, such as the gym and game room.  During times when these facilities are open, they must only be occupied by a single household.  The scheduling for the gym will be modified and a scheduling process for the game room established to allow use by only one household at a time.  To ensure there is available time to provide the opportunity for all interested residents to use these facilities, usage of the gym is limited to two (2) one-half hour periods and the game room to four (4) one-half hour periods per day.  The sign-up sheets will be posted at or near the entrances to these facilities on Saturday, for the next week beginning on Sunday.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, we have to remind people that they MUST wear masks if over two (2) years of age when in any of our common areas.  The only exception is when swimming or seated in the spa or pool area with proper social distancing.  Also, the size of the spa only allows for a maximum of two (2) households, with two (2) persons per household.  More than four (4) persons can occupy the spa only when they are all from the same household and are the only household using the spa; however, must not preclude others from the use of the spa.

Due to the requirements for social distancing that has limited the number of persons that can use the pool and spa areas, Bay Scene residents have priority overuse by non-Bay Scene residents.  Residents with multiple guests should use the Bay Scene beach area during periods of heavy usage.

If these guidelines are not consistently followed, the Board of Directors will reconsider continued usage of these facilities.

Bay Scene Owners Association
Board of Directors

Jimmy Gottlieb