Waterproofing Evaluation - Update January 2023
January 11, 2023, HOA MEETING
To recap, decades of water infiltration into our catacombs and parking structure is the primary cause of the structural damage to the podium slab overlying the garage. Hence, for the proposed structural repairs to be effective, we need to fully understand where the infiltration is occurring, then restore the waterproofing as needed.
Thus, following the recent series of rainstorms, we asked our waterproofing evaluation consultant to refine their documentation of water infiltration into the areas of concern.
This re‐examination confirmed the water intrusion is through the catacomb walls, especially at the juncture between the catacomb walls and the podium slab. There is also past and some ongoing leakage from plumbing in the catacombs.
Preliminary plans for waterproofing restoration include excavation outside of our buildings down to the garage roof (podium slab), then replacement of the deteriorated waterproofing materials on the exterior walls of the catacombs and the garage roof. The excavated area would then be restored to meet current building code and design standards.