Special Assessment Progress Report #5
Happy 2024! Although special assessment construction activities are not scheduled to begin until June, our consultant team has been making significant progress in project planning, design, and construction document preparation, as follows:
Site Boundary, Topographic, and Base Mapping Survey
A detailed topographic and base mapping survey of the entire Bay Scene property, including boundary lines, has been completed and is currently being used for site restoration and renovation design. These maps will also be essential in planning the waterproofing repairs excavations and designing a subdrain system following repairs.
Curtain Wall Window Replacement: Construction Documents
Preparation of the construction documents and specifications, shops drawings, and cost estimates that will allow the project to go to bid is approximately 50% complete. This will be followed by construction contract bidding and negotiation, expected to commence in March 2024.
Building Repairs: Schematic Design Phase
Schematic design for building and podium slab waterproofing repairs, catacomb plumbing and access renovation, and balcony repairs is approximately 80% complete. Actual on-site work is currently expected to begin in March with the removal of trees and landscaping in areas to be excavated for waterproofing repairs. Per our landscape contractor who will be removing and storing the trees, March is the best time to start this work because the plants are dormant or semi-dormant this time of year and they will handle a transplant into a container better than during full growing season.
Site Restoration/Renovation Conceptual Design
The consultant team is working with the board and homeowners’ steering committee to develop site design concepts for restoration and renovation of areas affected by the waterproofing project. We plan to present design concepts to our homeowners at a Town Hall meeting in early March.
Garage Podium Slab Structural Repairs
While structural repairs to the garage podium have been successfully implemented, water will continue to infiltrate through the garage ceiling until waterproofing repairs have been completed (see below).
When heavy rains occur, water seeps into the garage and catacombs though areas where building waterproofing materials have weakened over the years. Unfortunately, we are already getting leaks through the garage ceiling from the last rainstorm, only a few days ago.
To reduce the risk of water damage to your parked vehicles, we recommend the following:
Regularly examine the ceiling above where your vehicles are parked. If you see dripping water, cover or move your car and notify our property managers, noting the parking space number and date taken.
If you are not currently residing at Bay Scene but leave your vehicle here, ask a friend or neighbor to monitor the ceiling above . [Please do not ask Mike Latham or a board member as they have many other responsibilities.]
When feasible, we will do our best to remove standing water in the catacombs. However, we will not be repairing garage ceiling leaks until completion of the waterproofing project. We will then reexamine the entire garage ceiling and make appropriate repairs.
We appreciate your patience.
Your Bay Scene Board of Directors